Saturday, August 2, 2008


Someone on another post said their garden was in maintenance mode. To go into maintenance mode, means you have to be a whole lot more organized than I am. I try, Lord knows I try, but things just get out of hand quickly. Ornamental grass, banana trees, wisteria vines, all things tropical, just go bananas when the rains start. We get rain in the afternoon, just about every day, this time of year. It is great, I'm not complaining but it can cause problems.

You mow the grass in the front and by the time you get to the back, the front needs mowing again. The vines just reach out of the woods and grab everything in sight. I have let the woods get closer to the house in the last few years, than I am comfortable with. I use to cut it way back but I just don't have the energy any more to keep it neat so it is going a little wild back there. George of the jungle could not get through.

Yesterday I actually found a pile of dirt we hauled in a few weeks ago, had trees growing out of it. Pretty little pasture type trees with yellow flowers. And some type of vine. Boy, if you are too slow, Mother nature just reclaims the soil. I wanted to fill in some low spots but it just got so hot so I though it would be better left to a cooler day. I should have covered it with black plastic to kill off any seeds, but all I seem to learn from my mistakes, is oops, I did it again.


Lib said...

I too find it harder and harder to keep up!
Hope you're having a great wk.end

Anonymous said...

That's funny, already have trees growing out of soil! I know just what you mean. A year ago last spring, I hadn't even started buying this house, but even though it's just a little garden home, the east side yard where my gardens now are was a veritable jungle. I hired a guy to help me clear it out, but I worked harder than he did. Then got asthmatic bronchitis. Every time I think about paying that guy so much, I remember how I was sick for a good two months!

Susie said...

Eve, Come to my blog for a little suprise.

tina said...

How true is this post! Great ending too! Oops...

Carla said...

My mom has a load of iron-ore to fill in holes with-and she never got around to using it-now it is very hard and is her blackeye susan bed. No one even notices the HUGE pile of orange dirt covered with weedy grasses and Wildflowers! I say its easier to work WITH nature than against! (when you see the monkey-be sure and post a photo of it!)

Skeeter said...

What a humorous way to look at nature’s growth! It amazes me how even though we are in a drought and receiving little rain, the weeds are flourishing!

DP Nguyen said...

Rain can cause lots of thing to grow. I hate moving the grass. Cam has allergies, so I have to do it for his yard. Front and back, and it never seems to stop growing. LoL.

Gail said...

As the summer steams up I run out of steam...I think it's the mosquitoes they take all my energy;) Rain ever afternoon...that is a jungle, a tropical jungle that slowly moves toward your house!
Eve, this post was a very enjoyable read!


CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

I actually enjoy a more wild look to my garden(-: It makes it more interesting(-: I love when it rains because everything is so fresh and clean. We could use that here(-:

garden girl said...

I remember weeds! Although I miss having sunny beds and borders, I don't miss all the weeding. at all.

We do get a lot of tree seedlings in the garden, especially maple since it's sited under maple trees. The dry shade isn't ideal for seed sprouting though, and there are very few other weeds.

It's nice to be able to spend more time enjoying the garden than working on it.

I envy you all your tropical plants. It's a pity all those weeds seem to come with the territory. It's good you have such a sense of humor about them!

Cindy said...

Good Luck with keeping up with all that growing! It's amazing how much something can grow in just one day given the right conditions!

Melissa said...

That is one issue that we don't have to worry about. I was just considering the fact that around here - by the time the garden explodes it is time to start cleaning up for fall. Our season where things look the way you want them too is very, very short.

Irish Cottage Dreams said...

Oh no you said "garden"
which makes me remember
that I haven't done the
yard for is a rule here In
Germany that you have to sweep
the path and so forth..Ugh!!

Love the post :)

Rose said...

I think I've found a kindred spirit, Eve:) I, too, start with great plans, but life and lack of energy often interfere with completion.
You could just say you're experimenting with woodland or native restoration:)