Thursday, August 14, 2008


We have had a lot of rain in the last few days, but maybe it will give my tomatoes and squash we planted last month, a boost. I ran out in the rain and put fertilizer around the plants and bumped my head on my storage container, I was in such a hurry. Now I know none of you run out in the rain like that to fertilize. I am an idiot. But my thinking was, it will help to wash it in. I am hoping to get in another harvest of fresh tomatoes an squash before I get involved with the fall garden. The peppers are still doing really well. Other than that, most of the earlier crops are gone. I do have a lot of basil left to harvest and I want to save the seeds from my marigolds I had in the garden. They were particularly pretty and I though I would save them. Since they are probably hybrid, I doubt I will get the same plant but it is worth a try.

I need to get a ramp built for my sweet little dog Solo. He is getting old and is losing his sight. I want to do everything we can to make his life seem as normal as possible. He is afraid to go down the steps anymore and I don't blame him. Stepping off into the dark has got to be frightening. He has mapped out the house pretty well though. He can find everything he needs. We taught him when we first got him to go on paper at night and we take him out in the daytime. It came in handy when we were gone a lot when he was younger. So that is not a problem for him. He does seem to be walking a lot though. Just pacing back and forth but I think in time, that will stop as we get him outside walking again. It hasn't affected his hearing any. He can still hear me try to sneak open a candy bar wrapper from two rooms away. LOL


Anonymous said...

No crazier than me trying to stake plants in the middle of the night in a rainstorm. lol Sounds like you are doing what you can for your little dog Solo. Poor thing, it's hard watching them age.

Berita dari gunung said...

nice blog and nice effort.

tina said...

Glad he can still hear. My little dachsund/chihuahua mix can't hear at all and can barely see. Old age comes fast. Solo looks to be a sweetie.

Gail said...

They get old too fast and we love them so much! Our cat is 9 and while that seems young, he has some health issues! We never let him outside, poor baby, but it is a dangerous world outside for cats! cars and coyotes! I hope your baby gets his ramp soon!


Skeeter said...

Lets see, I have washed the car in the rain, mowed grass in the rain, filled birdbaths in the rain, see where I am going here? I reckon I fall into that idiot category as well... lol....

Poor Solo, I love my pets as they are my babies. I resent how soon they leave us. Poor Jetta the Chow-mix next door comes hobbling over with her arthritic legs for her doggie treat. I know her days are numbered so we give her extra treats and love on her when she comes to visit us...

Solo has selective hearing where that candy wrapper is concerned. LOL, You do know chocolate is toxic to cats and dogs, right? Just passing this info along as I did not know until a short while back. Onions also…. I find that hard to believe because as a child we kids always shared candy bars and especially M&M’s with our Molly dog (Welsh terrier). She lived to be 18 years old…

Rose said...

Poor Solo! I know how hard it is to see our pets age. My dog Roco became very arthritic in his last year and found it increasingly difficult to go up and down stairs. A ramp sounds like a good idea for Solo.

cinnamongirl93 said...

I once heard to plant your seeds when it's a full moon. That's just what I did one year. I was out trying to plant in the dark by the light of the full moon. I didn't have good success. Everyone laughed at me! I didn't know to plant the day of the full moon. My BF still teases me about that.
I would put out the fertilizer out in the rain too!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a sweet dog! I am such an animal lover. And I want them to be comfortable and do what I can for them. Your idea of a ramp is wonderful, and so thoughtful. He has a good mama.

Eve said...

skeeter..yes I know. I don't give him chocolate. I share my fruit bars and cracker snacks with him sometimes. He doesn't get many treats. He does like those doggie jerky treats.

Eve said...

cinnamongirl..did you do it in the nude? I've heard you must plant in the light of the moon, in the nude. Oh, and wear flowers in your hair. LOL

JunieRose2005 said...

Very sad about your little dog-and very similar to our (Nighty) that we just recently had to put down. She became both blind and deaf at the end. She was more than 18 years old. She also looked a lot like your little Solo-colored the same and with short hair and short legs! She was part Corgi.

I just have my little poodle left and she's over 12 years now- and almost blind- plus has other problems.

It's just too sad to have dogs and I don't plan to have any more after Peaches goes.

I'm sure your little dog has had a good life with the love and caring you've given him.


Teresa said...

I have been known to weed in the rain, my reasoning being that the soil is softer and they pull easier.
Just stay out of the lightning and thunder!

Lib said...

We lost our cocker last fall after 20 yrs. of being part of the Family.
I do things like you running out in the rain etc.
Have a great wk.end!

Julie said...

Oh, what a sweet sugar baby Solo is! God bless him! He is so fortunate to have you for his Mommy!!!

Susie said...

We gardeners really are crazy people!! It seems we will do anything to help our little plants along.

Cosmo said...

Eve--I'm sorry you bumped your head; otherwise, taking advantage of the rain seems completely reasonable (not that bumping your head was unreasonable, just unfortunate, hope it didn't hurt too much). Thanks for sharing a picture of Solo--where does the name come from? He's adorable, and I appreciate your concern for him as he ages. Ranunculus has started to sprout some gray under his chin, and Salix and I are in denial--he's still a puppy to us. We wish Solo a happy old age with you. Best, Cosmo

DP Nguyen said...

Poor solo. I'm glad his hearing is still intact. I guess when one sense goes bad, another one sharpens. Glad to hear about the ramp. I hope that helps him. He's such a pretty dog.

Eve said...

Cosmo..I named him that because his legs are so short...I said when I saw him, "He is so low to the ground". I know,,,looking back, it is corny..LOL..

Cosmo said...

Not corny at all--I love the name and the play on words. He's adorable. I love dogs--I miss the ones I've lost and I get sad once in a while thinking that Ranunculus will probably go before I do, but every day we have them brings us more joy. Cheers to Solo.

JoyceAnn said...

Glad to hear you're getting rain , we need more. It did rain last Thursday , but the garden is already dry as ever.
The deer have eat most of my tomatoes , I'm disappointed with that. Next year I hope to put an electric fence around the garden.

Love and spoil that little pooch as much as you can , I lost one of my dogs back in Jan. this year. I still miss her.

~ Blessings ~

Casey said...

I don't know what we'd do without our babies!! I can't imagine life without them!

Beth said...

Our thoughtful of you to make life better for Solo. Dogs are the best ...

Renna said...

Oh, what a sweet looking little dog. My little BooBoo, who died earlier this year, lost her eyesight several years before she died. She was, in fact, still a young dog at the time. She adapted amazingly well, but as she got older, the blindness became more of a hardship for her. Like you, with Solo, I made a point of arranging things so life was simpler for her.

Randy said...

Solo looks just like a dog I use to have when I was a child. Her name was Winnie, we had her for sixteen years. She barely left the carport as she got older, except to potty. She snored so loud you could hear in our living room when she was sleeping outside by the kitchen door, even with all doors and windows closed. She was part daschaund and part chiuaua. He’s a cutie and I think it’s wonderful you are considering a ramp for him. You are a good parent. :-)Thank you for visiting us, we look forward to seeing you again.